If you’re like most people, you can’t wait for spring weather so you can get outdoors. You may be thinking about spring cleaning your backyard to get it ready for the sunshine and summer. Here are some ways you can do that and enjoy being outdoors at the same time.
Gather the family together so everyone is pitching in with the work. Your children might not be keen, but once you explain you’re trying to get it ready for summer fun, they may stop complaining so much.
Of course, you’ll want to be sure to have people work to their abilities, but everyone can contribute.
Decide what needs the most attention. Undoubtedly there will be a build-up of leaves regardless if you raked during the fall. There may also be limbs which have fallen from the tree due to ice or wind. Continue reading
One place you probably don’t want to be during spring break is anywhere near Florida! That may be the place for college students, but it’s probably not the destination you would choose if you have a family.
However, if you’d still like to go to the beach for spring break, remember there are more beaches than merely those in Florida.
Ask a travel agent if they can suggest less crowded beaches that would be appropriate for families. You may be surprised at the number of lesser-known beaches your family can enjoy.
One beach you might want to visit is Galveston, Texas. You also may want to consider any beach north of Virginia Beach as college students prefer to congregate in specific areas. Continue reading
Children are naturally curious, so it really isn’t that hard to inspire their interest in something new. Of course, getting them to maintain that interest isn’t always as easy, but when it comes to nature there are a couple of advantages – it’s everywhere and there is so much variety to it!
If you want to inspire your child’s interest in nature this spring then start simply. Just take them out on a walk in a park or a nearby nature reserve, and let them lead the way. Giving them charge of things allows them to follow where their interests take them, so they can develop and interest in things more naturally. Continue reading
Getting back in touch with nature is an enjoyable, healthy activity for children and adults. Children are usually fascinated by nature, and enjoy being outside. Adults often find observing nature to be a healing and peaceful activity.
With spring right around the corner, now is a good time to teach your children some of the interesting changes that are taking place this time of year.
Spring is brief – there is a rather short window in which to observe spring’s changes, so some planning is required to capture these changes. Here are some ideas to get you started in your nature observations this spring: Continue reading