As we continue talking about decluttering your home in the Springtime, let’s talk about what you choose to save now, and after the decluttering and cleaning is done with. It is important that you not save absolutely everything, and we’re going to talk about why.
Do You REALLY Need That?
The first thing to ask yourself is if you need it. Do you have a bunch of old greeting cards you are saving? Do they serve a purpose? Unless you were planning to do something with them, it might not be worth storing them in your home for the rest of your life. Continue reading
If you are interested in decluttering your home, whether this Spring or any time of the year, the first thing you will do is decide what to keep, or what to get rid of.
This is often the biggest decision to make, because naturally you have an attachment to most of your belongings in one way or another.
When you have difficulty letting go of items in your home, try the feeling test. Here is how it works.
This method was developed by Marie Kondo, who wrote the bestselling book “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”.
This is simply our own little spin on it. Continue reading
Moving on to another area of your home for decluttering is your cabinets. This includes cabinets in your kitchen and your bathroom. It might seem like they aren’t a problem because the doors are closed and you don’t see it often, but having a mess in the cabinets can cause a lot of stress sand frustration.
Here are some tips for going through the cabinets:
Empty Out the Cabinets First
As with the junk drawer, it is best to just empty out these disorderly cabinets, separating the items into piles and categories as you go. A lot of times, there are items hidden in the back that you don’t need and can be given away or just thrown out, saving a lot more space for proper organization in the future. Continue reading
This is one area of the home most people tend to have the most problems. It might be a small drawer or a junk area in your kitchen, but it needs to be tackled, decluttered, and organized to keep it from stressing you out all year-long.
Remove Everything from the Drawer
The easiest way to tackle that junk drawer is to take everything out from it. Just start pulling items out and either put them all in a pile on your counter, or put them in separate piles as you remove the items. You need a clean slate in order to organize the drawer a little better. Continue reading